2014: The Year of the Horse

The Chinese Lunar New Year begins on January 31 and lasts to February 18, 2015. A 12 year cycle that is represented by different animals, each with certain aspects.

Fish Lake Valley (Esmeralda County) is one of a few areas in Nevada where the Bureau of Land Management has established Herd Management Areas. Come visit us and see all the wild horses.

Happy New Year

Flocks of sheep have returned to Fish Lake Valley. Each year teams of sheep herders bring their flocks to the valley for winter grazing and help prepare the fields for spring.

The slow-motion ballet of herders, their dogs and the almost planetary migration of the sheep as they move from field to field around the center pivot reassures us that nature’s cycle continues.

Merry Christmas

‘Twas a week before Christmas and all through the house, not a guest was stirring, so cozy was their bed.
While dreams of buttermilk waffles danced in their heads…

A very Merry Christmas to all…and a Happy New Year!